Tuesday, 14 October 2008


Green chemistry is the utilization of a set of principles that reduces or eliminates the use or generation of hazardous substances in the design, manufacture and application of chemical products.


Waste minimization at source
Use of catalyst in place of reagent
Using nontoxic reagent
Use of renewable resources
Improved atom efficiency
Use of solvent free or recyclable environmentally benign solvent system


 Term has been coined by royal society of chemistry based on within department of chemistry, university of York , Helington , York, and administration by Dr. Helen Coombs.
 In developing green chemistry two main programmes
 1.Environmental Protection Act,(EPA).
 2.Pollution Prevention Act,1990.

 In January 1999, as a part of Environment movement ,a National symposium on Green Chemistry was organized by the Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi to bring together all who were practicing green chemistry in India for first time.
 For Green Chemistry education, a refresher course was organized for college teachers by the centre for professional development in higher education in university of Delhi.
 After, an IUPAC International Symposium on Green Chemistry was organized by the Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, which proved to be excellent event for scientists’ world over to interact on the common platform.
 Another symposium was held by Nirma University, Ahemedabad, on 25-26th nov.2005.

o UICT,mumbai-chemical engineering and technology
o University of Delhi-GCI branch
o IIT-Madras-National Centre for Catalysis Research
o CSIR Laboratories at various locations NCL, IICT, CDRI, NEERI.
o IISC, Banglore
o JNCASR, Banglore
o IIT-Bombay, IIT Guwahati Anna University,Pune University,MS University Baroda


Priority Areas For India
o Biodiesel
o Bioethanol
o Biodiesel base product
o Biosurfactant
o Biopolymers
o Biopharmaceuticals

 Prevention
 Atom Economy
 Less Hazardous Chemical Synthesis
 Designing Safer Chemicals
 Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries
 Design for Energy Efficiency
 Use of Renewable Feedstocks
 Reduce Derivatives
 Catalysis
 Design for Degradation
 Real-time Analysis for Pollution Prevention
 Inherently Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention.

In developing green synthetic strategies Indian scientists are mainly concentrating on avoiding environmentally.

Non compatible reagent

Solid phase synthesis

Modification of synthetic routes

Decrease number of steps

Increase over all yield,

Usage of newer catalysts

Simplification of classical procedures of reaction

Analytical chemistry has been at centre of green chemistry.

Microwave chemists are turning their attention toward microwave assisted in
Dry media reaction
Ultrasonic reaction
Photochemical reaction
Non-conventional reaction

To improve innovative technologies to establish industrials processes .

Development of environmentally improved routes to important products
Design new green chemicals and materials.

Use of sustainable resources.

Use of biotechnology alternatives.

Methodologies and test for evaluating environmental impact.


The future of green India and world is hand of researchers, students as a practices of green chemistry is moral responsibility for them.

Government agencies should enforce the law strictly to practice green chemistry.

Industries should be also understand their moral responsibility toward the fragile environment.

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